Airplane and Helicopter
Private Pilot Courses
Private Pilot Course - Airplane
The following is a price breakdown for the airplane private pilot license in the Cessna 172. The total cost varies dependent upon student proficiency in the knowledge and maneuvers required to pass the FAA practical test. The flight time listed below represents the approximate amount needed by our average student. FAA Part 141.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Ground Instruction
15 Hours Minimum
Total: $900
Dual Flight Instruction
30 Hours Minimum
Total: $5,880
Solo Flight Time
Supervised Solo $196/hr
2 hour average = $392
Solo rate $136/hr
3 hour average = $408
Total: $800
Total Estimated Course Cost
(Prices subject to change without notice) / (Not Including Additional fees: listed at the bottom of the page)
Private Pilot Course - Helicopter
The following is a price breakdown for the helicopter private pilot license in the Robinson R-22. The total cost varies dependent upon student proficiency in the knowledge and maneuvers required to pass the FAA practical test. The flight time listed below represents the approximate amount needed by our average student. FAA Part 141.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Ground Instruction
15 Hours Minimum
Total: $900
Dual Flight Instruction
30 Hours Minimum
Total: $9,450
Solo Flight Time
Supervised Solo $315/hr
2 hour average = $630
Solo rate $257/hr
3 hour average = $771
Total: $1,401
Total Estimated Course Cost
(Prices subject to change without notice) / (Not Including Additional fees: listed at the bottom of the page)

Additional Fees
(Paid directly to the respective vendors)
Books $250
Written test $160
Medical Exam $105
Practical test $750 - $800
This School is authorized under Federal Law to enroll non immigrant alien students

Instrument Training